
Invited Talks:

Categorical Logic and Higher Categories, University of Manchester, December 2024: Stable independence and higher categories.

WAECO: Workshop for Rami Grossberg's 70th birthday, Waco, TX, June 2024: Abstract elemenary classes and categories (Tutorial).

Southern Illinois University Logic Seminar (Zoom), March 2021: Recent developments in categorical model theory.

Carnegie Mellon Model Theory Seminar (Zoom), February 2021: Induced and higher-dimensional stable independence, Part I and Part II.

American University of Beirut/CAMS, Beirut, February 2019: Completeness, Incompleteness, and Independence (Lecture series)

Accessible categories and their connections, Leeds, July 2018: Extensions of ZFC through the lens of accessible categories

Louise Hay Logic Seminar, UIC, December 2016: Bootstrapping structural properties, via accessible images

Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra 91, Brno, February 2016: Generalizing abstract model theory, with an eye toward applications

Prague Gathering of Logicians, February 2015: Foundations of categorical model theory

Joint Math Meetings, San Antonio, January 2015, Special Session: Beyond First Order Model Theory. Toward a categorical model theory

Charles University Algebra Seminar, Prague, November 2014: Classification theory for accessible categories

ECI Workshop, Trest, October 2014: Toward a new model theory

Louise Hay Logic Seminar, UIC, March 2014: Categorial abstract model theory

Comenius University Mathematics Seminar, Bratislava, 2012: What is (abstract) model theory? (barely legible lecture notes)

Notre Dame Logic Seminar, 2009: Topological structure, rank functions and stability for Galois types.

AMS Midwest Sectional Meeting, 2007, Special Session on Model Theory of Nonelementary Classes: Galois types and topology.

Contributed Talks:

Logic Colloquium 2019, Prague, 2019: Weak factorization systems and stable independence [for model theorists]

CLMPST 16, Prague, August 2019: Tameness, compactness, and cocompleteness

Makkai 80, Budapest, June 2019: Weak factorization systems and stable independence [for category theorists]

Brno/Prague Algebra Workshop, Brno, May 2019: Compact cardinals and powerful images, once and for all

ECI Workshop, Trest, October 2018: A category-theoretic characterization of almost measurable cardinals

ECI Workshop, Telc, October 2017: Universal classes and locally multipresentable categories

ASL Logic Colloquium, Stockholm, August 2017: Set-theoretic pathologies in accessible categories

6th European Set Theory Meeting, Budapest, July 2017: Bootstrapping structural properties, via accessible images (condensed, results extended!)

ECI Workshop, Telc, October 2016: Hanf numbers for amalgamation and joint embedding in accessible categories

ASL Logic Colloquium 2016, Leeds, August 2016: Abstract tameness from large cardinals, via accessible categories

ASL Logic Colloquium 2015, Helsinki, August 2015: Metric AECs as accessible categories

Infinity Conference, CRM Barcelona, 2011: Categories in abstract model theory

ASL Logic Colloquium 2010: Accessible categories and abstract elementary classes

ASL Logic Colloquium 2008: Topologies and rank functions for Galois types.

Undergraduate-oriented Talks:

Kalamazoo College, Math/CS/Physics Colloquium, February 2014: I know you know, but do you know I know you know?

Kalamazoo College, Math/CS/Physics Colloquium, October 2013: What is model theory? And why do we care?

Thesis Defense, April 24, 2009: Topological and category-theoretic aspects of abstract elementary classes.