Final state exam

Pursuant to Dean's Directive No. 1/2022 (it is in Czech language only, but  you will find the important information from this Directive on this page), the final state exam for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics students at the BUT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering consists of two parts:

  • defending a thesis (20-25 minutes)
    • the examination board consists of five members from Brno plus one (or more) member from L'Aquila.
    • the presentation and subsequent discussion take place in Brno in the presence of a representative from the University of L'Aquila or by a videoconference.
  • discussion on a specific topic (35 - 40 minutes)

The official directions from the University of L'Aquila are here:
- they've implemented a form to make everything run as smoothly as possible to this web page.

The actualized schedule of the academic year 2022/23:

  • Important dates:
    • by April 30 applications for the final state examination
    • by May 26 submitting of Master's thesis 
    • May 9 - June 2 examination period
    • Master's thesis reviews not later than 3 days before the Final state exam
    • June 12 - June 23 Final state exam
    • We recommend you stay in the Czech Republic until the end of June due to the issue of a diploma and a diploma supplement. The diploma and diploma supplement issue date depends on the press and on the signature of the Rector. 
    • A graduation ceremony will take place on July 10 - July 13
  • Final State Exam

    • ​Committee: 
    • Room: 
    • Time schedule: 

Master's thesis - formal requirements for the final thesis 

    • The most interesting is Article 15 (Requisites and Organisation of the Textual Part of a Final Thesis)
    • a) title sheet;
    • b) assignment of the final thesis (not compulsory for a dissertation thesis);
    • c) abstract in the language of the final thesis and in English;
    • d) keywords in the language of the final thesis and in English;
    • e) extended abstract in Czech or Slovak if the language of the final thesis is other than Czech or Slovak (not applicable to students of a programme accredited in English);
    • f) bibliographic citation of the final thesis pursuant to ČSN ISO 690;
    • g) declaration made by the author concerning the originality of the thesis, signature of the author in the printed version of the thesis;
    • h) acknowledgement (not compulsory);
    • i) table of contents;  
    • j) introduction;
    • k) text of the thesis;
    • l) conclusion;
    • m) literature;
    • n) list of abbreviations and symbols (not compulsory);
    • o) list of annexes (not compulsory);
    • p) annexes (not compulsory). 
  • Dean's Guideline No. 4/2020 (in Czech)
    • limit for the attachment of the final thesis is 15 MB
    • spacing of the text is 1 or 1.1, text font size12 pt, Arial or TimesNew Roman
    • size of the text region 16 cm x 25 cm
    • minimum is 40 pages
  • You are strongly recommended to use LaTeX (mathematical typesetting system) for writing your master thesis.
    • A thesis template can be downloaded here (tested in Overleaf).


Logistics Analytics

Double Degree master programme in analytical logistics in cooperation with Molde University College
Author Petr VAŠÍK