Basic information

Teaching activities are realized in 4 main areas:
1. Basic courses of mathematics in BSc. engineering studies for all students of the faculty:
Mathematics I, II, III, IV
Mathematics II-B (Calculus and linear algebra related topics)
Statistics and Probability
Computer aided statistics
2. Courses and tutorials in the specialized branch of study: Mathematical Engineering (similar to foreign specializations: Mathematics and Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or Industrial Mathematics):
Probability and Statistics I, II, III
Optimization I, II
Stochastic Processes
Fuzzy Sets and Applications
Stochastic modeling
Experimental Design
3. Specialized lectures for MSc. engineering studies:
Statistical Analysis (for material engineering and environmental design)
Computer Aided Operations Research
Applied Statistics
Design of Experiment
Applied Mathematics with Data Processing
Fuzzy Sets with Applications
Applied Mathematics – Data Processing
4. Lectures in PhD studies:
Statistical Analysis
Dynamical and Multivariate Stochastic Models
Fuzzy Models of Technical Systems and Processes
Mathematical Programming and Optimization
Empirical models
Design of Experiments
Besides listed teaching activities, the members of staff are supervisors of MSc. Diploma Theses in Mathematical Engineering, consultants of PhD and Diploma Theses in further engineering specializations. They are regular members of various examination boards (MSc. and PhD) and also referee of theses. They are also experienced in lecturing at different universities in the Czech Republic (e.g., MU Brno, UTB Zlín, Academie Sting Brno, BIBS) and abroad (MUC Molde, University of Malta). Last but not least staff members teach specialized statistical courses for industry related to statistical methods for quality control.