Přednáška na MU

Kolokviální přednáška v rámci Semináře aplikované matematiky

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce an invited Colloquium talk, a first within our Seminar on applied mathematics. The theme of the talk bridges the realms of dynamics, data analysis, and neuroscience. Recognizing its interdisciplinary nature, we extend our invitation to a broad audience, including members from the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, Academy of Sciences, and beyond.

Colloquium Fall 2023

    Date: Tuesday, October 3
    Location: Lecture hall M1
    Time: 2 pm

Speaker: Hil Meijer

Title: Data-driven dynamical network models of brain activity in epilepsy patients

Abstract: For patients with refractory epilepsy, surgery may be a treatment option. While preparing for surgery, brain activity is recorded to delineate the tissue responsible for the seizure and to be resected. In this talk, we consider recordings from subdural grid electrodes with single pulse electrical stimulation (SPES). The responses to SPES consist of physiological early responses (ERs) and pathological delayed responses (DRs).
We start with constructing brain networks with several connectivity measures. We show that ER-based effective connectivity reveals more physiological connections than functional connectivity based on cross-correlation or Granger causality. We find that the epileptogenic zone is a densely connected subnetwork. Second, we model the SPES responses using neural mass models of mesoscopic brain activity. Using dynamical systems theory, we characterize a threshold for DRs to appear and their relevance as a clinical biomarker. Finally, we present preliminary results for fitting large-scale individualized patient networks based on SPES responses.

We are looking forward to welcoming a broad audience and engaging in enriching discussions after the Colloquium talk. Join us in the meeting room from 15:00 for some light refreshments and coffee.

Lenka Přibylová and the Nonlinear Dynamics Team,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics,
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University